My thoughts

I’m sorry about the last minute post here, but I’ve had a long week. My parents have retired and packed up and sold just about everything from their home in Winnipeg and have now relocated to Langley, BC. I had to fly to Winnipeg for a whole 1.5 hours to pick up the gift they left me…their car. I then drove it back to Toronto…blistering heat, beautiful views around Lake Superior…thus I had forgotten about this post. So anyway, here goes:

I have chosen the Educause 7 Things You Should Know

I really like the intriguing title of this blog. I find that that 10 things might be too many, and 5 might be too few, so 7 things is just right 😉

I like the consistent titles and the brief synopsis that is provided. It helps me determine whether or not I’m truly interested. Just from the first page, I know that the “Evolution of the Textbook” intrigued me right away as I am currently in the process of developing a new Geography resource (notice I didn’t say textbook!). It will be available in print and digital formats. The “Flipped Classroom” had me intrigued as well. I had never heard that term before.

When you examine one of the articles, the presentation of the material is very pleasing to the eye. I like the structures of the columns and the use of the list with giant numbers and question like headings (they are the same in each article). They include: what is it, why is it significant, what are the downsides, and what are the implications for teaching and learning? Each question is answered with a short response. Each article also begins with a scenario. I love the simplicity and the immediate applications the articles provide.

The reading style is easily accessible; the tone is friendly and inviting.

Overall, I like this site and I can easily see myself visiting it more often. The topics are current, intriguing and ever so useful!

PS Here is a photo from my journey this past weekend!

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